There are numerous different types of headache, ranging from Tension and Cervicogenic headaches through to much more serious causes such as headache secondary to a head injury or brain tumor.
If there is any suspicion that the cause of your headache needs urgent medical attention, you will be immediately referred to your GP. Thankfully though, the majority of tension and cervicogenic type headaches will respond well to Chiropractic treatment.
Each appointment at Parkinson Chiropractic & Musculoskeletal Centre includes heat and massage from a massage therapist as well as your chiropractic treatment.
It is all included as the one experience. Your visit lasts over 30 minutes so you will have plenty of time to relax and ask questions as well as for us to give you the best care your body needs. We've always believed in this more relaxed pace of treatment and our focus is very much on you during your time with us.
Headache Types
1. Cervicogenic Headache
Although the pain is very much felt in the head, the actual source of the problem is in the neck joints.
Typically these headaches are one-sided intense non-throbbing headache that can cause nausea and vomiting if severe enough.
It can sometimes feel like the pain is behind one eye ball. There will be no visual disturbance or neurological signs as are sometimes found in migraine and typically involves pain and discomfort in the upper neck
2. Tension Headache
This type of headache usually presents as a generalised headache characterized as a dull tightness around the scalp. Tension headaches can affect concentration, mood and can cause nausea.
3. Migraine Headache
Usually an intense headache on one side that can involve nausea, vomiting and visual disturbance. Some migraines begin with visual disturbance like partial blind spots or squiggly lines in the visual field with the headache pain starting after about 20 minutes. It has a throbbing pulsating nature. Due to its severity and the other symptoms the migraine patient cannot function and is often bedridden.
Diagnosis and Treatment
At your appointment we will conduct a headache history as well as any tests needed. Providing that the headache is not due to a serious medical issue, treatment will have at it’s core the goal of pain relief via the use of heat, massage and also specific spinal manipulation/adjustments to restore good joint functioning.
Essentially we want to restore proper joint functioning in the neck and thus reduce muscular tension and also local soft tissue inflammation. These are often the reason why headaches are being experienced.
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